The following photos show the view from El Estribo from the east to the west.
It was a rufous or red kind of day. The majority of plants, mushrooms, and birds were colored the same. At the end, you'll find a list of birds seen during the hike. Many have rufous in their names.....
Look closely and you'll find hongos among other goodies at the mercado in Patzcuaro.
Molly and I couldn't resist the temptation. At the end of our hike, we visited the mercado and bought some mushrooms for that evening's meal. I stir-fried mushroooms with chichen, broccoli, carrots, onions and peppers. Yummy, yummy. The following morning, I used the remainder of the mushrooms with scrambled eggs. Again, the meal was scrumptious.
Oh, I almost forgot about the birds. Here's what we encountered along the hike (not in taxonomic order):
Golden-fronted woodpecker
Canyon towhee
House sparrow
Canyon wren (heard)
Magnificent hummingbird
Black vulture (10 in a kettle)
Turkey vulture
Barn swallow
Bewick's wren
Sharp-shinned hawk
Lesser goldfinch
Orange-billed nightingale-thrush
Slate-throated redstart
Berylline hummingbird
Gray hawk
Acorn woodpecker
Rufous-sided towhee
Rufous-crowned brush-finch
Rufous-capped warbler
Ruby-crowned kinglet
Rufous-crowned sparrow
Yellow-eyed junco
Inca dove
House finch
Vermilion flycatcher
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