Sunday was a glorious day, and we birded with Wayne + Susan, Linda + Saul, and Mike, who's also a herp/amphibian lover who'll be house/cat sitting for us next month. Keeping the hummingbird feeders full is also a task he'll do for us while we're north of the border. While we're away, I am keeping my fingers crossed that he'll find snakes, lizards, turtles, salamanders, and other non-birdy creatures. Stay tuned for that posting.
Here are the birds we saw at three stops (before repasting at Hecho en Mexico later on):
Great egret
Great egret
Snowy egret
Black-crowned Night-heron (juvenile)

Green-winged teal
Mexican duck
Blue-winged teal
Ruddy duck
Turkey vulture
American kestrel
American coot
Spotted sandpiper
Rock pigeon
Mourning dove
White-winged dove
Inca dove
Groove-billed ani
White-throated swift
Broad-billed hummingbird
Can you find the hummingbird nest?
Violet-crowned hummingbird
Mystery hummingbird
Golden-fronted woodpecker
Ladder-backed woodpeckerBlack phoebe
Vermilion flycatcherMystery myiarchus flycatcher
Great kiskadeeCassin's kingbird
Northern Rough-winged swallowBarn swallow
Ruby-crowned kinglet
Cactus wren
Canyon wren (heard)
Bewick's wrenHouse wren
Curve-billed thrasher
Blue-gray gnatcatcher
Loggerhead shrike
Chihuahua raven
House sparrow
Cassin's vireo
House finch
Lesser goldfinch
Nashville warbler
Black-and-white warblerCanyon towhee
Chipping sparrow
Black-chinned sparrow (lifer for me)
Black-headed grosbeak
Mystery bunting - female
Great-tailed grackle
Black-backed oriole
Scott's oriole
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