Here are the birds seen/heard at Rio Corucha and the balneario Arroyo Frio
(not in taxonomic order):
Blue-black grassquit
Inca dove
Mourning dove
House finch
Barn swallow
Squirrel cuckoo
Golden-cheeked woodpecker
Greater pewee
White-collared seedeater
Greater roadrunner
Lesser roadrunner
Black phoebe
Vermillion flycatcher
Turkey vulture
Black vulture
Red-tailed hawk
Broad-billed hummingbird
Violet-crowned hummingbird
Rusty-crowned motmot
Great-tailed grackle
Rock dove
Red-throated becard
Grey-crowned yellowthroat
Collared towhee
Rufous-crowned sparrow
Rusty sparrow
Stripe-headed sparrow
Pileated flycatcher
Blue bunting
Lesser goldfinch
West Mexican chachalaca
Gray silky-flycatcher
Green kingfisher
Hooded siskin
Common yellowthroat (h)
Great kiskadee
Black-chested sparrow
Canyon wren
Groove-billed ani
Mystery birds:
-Dove or pigeon (it blew by me too fast for a good look - not Inca or Mourning)
-Small black and white colored bird (possible Black-and-white warbler)
-Sound heard in deep brush (we all referred to this bird as the turkey sounding bird)
-Sound heard in deep brush (we all referred to this bird as the turkey sounding bird)
-Probable Fan-tailed warbler (quick look at a bird with yellow belly, dark gray back, and tail with white spots on edge)
-Swifts likely Black or White-chinned swifts (not White-napped due to smaller size). Recordings haven't helped us confirm the species.
-Probable Rufous-capped warbler
Birds seen on the way to/from Tacambaro:
House sparrow
Curve-billed thrasher
Bronze cowbird
Common raven
Rest assured: we also look at dragon and damsel flies. Susan spotted one floating in the pool so she scooped it out of the water. We're still waiting for experts to identify it. I'll be posting more information about the odonata in the area...stay tuned
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