Watch for White-throated swifts in this canyon
On the eastern edge of El Charco is Parque Landeta, a different habitat
Birds for the day were (36 species):
American coot
Mexican mallard
Ruddy duck
Wilson's phalaropes (at least 16)
Great egret
Snowy egret
Cattle egret
Spotted sandpiper
White-throated swift
Barn swallow
Canyon towhee
Chihuahua raven
Great-tailed grackle
Loggerhead shrike
House finch
Lesser goldfinch
Broad-billed hummingbird
Vermillion flycatcher
Black phoebe
Cassin's kingbird
Great kiskadee
Inca dove
Mourning dove
White-winged dove
Cassin's kingbird
Golden-fronted woodpecker
Curve-billed thrasher
Canyon wren (h)
Cactus wren
Bewick's wren
Blue grosbeak
Chipping sparrow
Black-backed oriole - female
If you plan to visit El Charco del Ingenio, you'll want to pick up the hot-off-the-press book by Walter L. Meagher and Wayne Colony entitled "Wild & Wonderful, Nature Up Close in the Botanical Garden 'El Charco del Ingenio', San Miguel de Allende". For more information and where to purchase this fabulous book, go to: www.wildwonderfulnature.com
1 comment:
Great photos of el Charco a real jewel near San Miguel that the local community has gotten behind. 2nd your motion on Walter and Wayne's book; its both useful and fun, not always easy to pull off IMHO. Saludos, Mike Judd
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