Thursday, January 1, 2015

Trip Report - December 30, 2014

On Tuesday I spent half a day with Hugo and visiting birder Trent from San Francisco.  They continued for the rest of the day.  Here's what was seen (not in taxonomic order):

Jaracuaro Bridge:

Great egret
Snowy egret
Cattle egret
Great Blue heron
Little blue heron
Tri-colored heron
Northern jacana
Black-necked stilt
White-faced ibis
Least bittern


Common yellowthroat
Black-polled yellowthroat
Vermilion flycatcher
Barn owl
Belted kingfisher
Northern raven

Turkey vulture
Blue-winged teal
Green-winged teal
Mexican duck
Northern harrier
Red-tailed hawk
American kestrel
Northern rough-winged swallow
Red-winged black bird
Yellow-headed blackbird
Song sparrow
Canyon towhee
Rufous-capped brushfinch
Curve-billed thrasher
Blue-grey gnatcatcher
Cassin's kingbird
Great-tailed grackle
White pelican
Yellow-rumped warbler
Horned lark

Georgia's House:

Bkue mockingbird
MacGillivray's warbler
Lazuli bunting
Cassin's vireo
Black-vented oriole
Northern raven
Magnificent hummingbird

Berylline hummingbird
Broad-billed hummingbird

La Estacion:

Black-throated gray warbler
Townsend's warbler
Orange-crowned  warbler
Yellow-rumped warbler
Wilson's warbler
Red-faced warbler
Hermit warbler
Slate-throated redstart
Black vulture
Turkey vulture
Red-tailed hawk
Warbling vireo
Ruby-crowned kinglet
Black-headed siskin
Pine siskin
Bewick's wren
Lesser goldfinch
Eastern bluebird
Hooded oriole

Photo by Howie Peterson

Flame-colored tanager
Transvolcanic jay
Common raven
White-striped woodcreeper
American flicker
Canyon towhee
Hybrid towhee (Spotted x Collared)
Gray silky-flycatcher
Broad-billed hummingbird
Empid sp.
Elegant trogon
Orange-billed nightingale-thrush
Blue mockingbird


Olive warbler
Crescent-chested warbler
Red-faced warbler
Hermit warbler
Townsend's warbler
Ruby-crowned kinglet
Hutton's vireo
Cassin's vireo
Mexican chickadee
Hepatic tanager

White-eared hummingbird
Blue-throated hummingbird
White-striped woodcreeper
Brown creeper
Transvolcanic jay
Northern raven
Yellow-eyed junco

Zinciro-San Isidro Junction

Crested caracara
American kestrel
Northern raven
Mexican duck
House finch
Eastern bluebird
Cassin's kingbird
Canyon towhee
Chipping sparrow
Vesper sparrow
Rufous-crowned sparrow

Brian's Road:

Inca dove
Brown-backed solitaire
Gray silky-flycatcher
Canyon towhee
Blue mockingbird


Eurasian collared-dove
House sparrow

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