Saturday, May 16, 2009

Broad-billed Hummingbird Nest

On the ides of March, Sergio, who is helping build our house, discovered a hummingbird nest in the undeveloped land next to ours. First, there was one egg, then another, followed by one hatchling, then a second. Two weeks later both birds fledged. Check out the following photos:

Sorry, my camera finally died and I wasn't able to photograph their progress until several days later. Big changes in their growth occurred in just a few days...

The bird with bill pointing to the right was the first to fledge:

Maiden flight:


Jim Flynn said...

Welcome back to your blog Georgia! You must have been very, very busy these last few months. I am so surprised to know Broad-billed Hummers nest as far south as your area (which I dare not spell without a dictionary)...

Jane aka Janna said...

Terrific photos, Georgia - thanks for sharing. Hope all is well with you!