Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Trip Report - Oct 3-5, 2012 - Finally, a Clapper Rail!

Visiting birders Drew and son Andrew spent three days with Hugo and me.  Birding can often be a challenge for many of us but what if we were wheelchair bound and able to use only one hand..... That's Drew.  What a man, and what a son.  Here are the birds we saw/heard in various locations around Lake Patzcuaro and Tacambaro.

Russet-crowned Motmot at Arroyo Frio
Checking out the Clapper Rail

View from the bridge to Jaracuaro

Quesadillas in Erongaricuaro

Oct 3, 2012 - Bridge to Jaracuaro
Cassin's kingbird
Red-tailed hawk
Marsh wren
Little blue heron
Cattle egret
Barn owl
Great egret
Snowy egret
Tri-colored egret
Belted kingfisher
Black-necked stilt
White-faced ibis
Vermilion flycatcher
White-collared seedeater
Black-polled yellowthroat
Barn swallow
Cliff swallow
American coot
Cooper's hawk
Red-winged blackbird
Black phoebe
Turkey vulture

Oct 3, 2012 - Georgia's house in Arocutin

Berylline hummingbird
Magnificent hummingbird
Broad-billed hummingbird
Inca dove
Black vulture

Oct 3, 2012 - Erongaricuaro

House sparrow

Oct 3, 2012 - La Estacion outside of Erongaricuaro

Canyon towhee
Yellow-rumped warbler
Brown-backed solitaire (heard)
Common raven
Summer tanager
Berylline hummingbird
Buff-breasted flycatcher
Great-horned owl (heard)
Ladder-backed woodpecker
Curve-billed thrasher
Wilson's warbler
Slate-throated redstart
Greater pewee
Hermit warbler
Townsend's warbler
Black-throated gray warbler
Mexican chickadee
Gray silky-flycatcher

Oct 3, 2012 - Columpio outside of Zarzamora

Hermit warbler
Grace's warbler
Hepatic tanager
Common raven
Painted redstart
Red-faced warbler
Hybrid towhee (Collared x Spotted)
Oct 4, 2012 - Rio Corucha south of Tacambaro

Great-tailed grackle
Greater pewee
Stripe-headed sparrow
Banded quail - a large covey with numerous juveniles playing in the road
Groove-billed ani
Inca dove
Lesser roadrunner
Black vulture
Turkey vulture
Happy wren (heard)
Blue-black grassquit
Great kiskadee
Violet-crowned hummingbird
American kestrel
Northern rough-winged swallow
Blue-gray gnatcatcher
Golden-crowned emerald
Oct 4, 2012 - Arroyo Frio Balneario

Rufous-capped warbler
Squirrel cuckoo
Ferruginous pygmy-owl (a pair)
Black-and-white warbler
Summer tanager
Streak-backed oriole
Wilson's warbler
Thick-billed kingbird
Dusky hummingbird
Hooded oriole
Canyon wren (heard)
Spotted wren
Happy wren (heard)
Blue-gray gnatcatcher
Great kiskadee
White-throated robin
Russet-crowned motmot
Unidentified buteo

Sharp-eyed Hugo always spots something special

Oct 5, 2012 - Bridge to Jaracuaro

Clapper rail - my first sighting at Lake Patzcuaro, a lifer for Hugo

Wikimedia Photo

Northern waterthrush
Marsh wren
American coot
Tri-colored heron
Great blue heron
Snowy egret
Great egret
White-faced ibis
Barn owl (a pair)
White-collared seedeater
Bronzed cowbird
Vermilion flycatcher
Belted kingfisher
Blue mockingbird
Blue-winged teal
Common yellowthroat
Cooper's hawk
Turkey vulture
Song sparrow
Cliff swallow
Barn swallow
Common raven

Oct 5, 2012 - Columpio outside Zarzamora

Hermit warbler
Slate-throated redstart
Common raven
Mexican chickadee
Brown creeper
Broad-tailed hummingbird
Ruby-crowned kinglet
Hepatic tanager
Pine flycatcher
Cassin's vireo
Red-faced warbler
Yellow-eyed junco