Friday, November 20, 2009

Confirmed Hook-billed Kite Sighting!!

On November 4, a Hook-billed kite was seen by four of us. According to local ornithologists, this species has not been seen away from Michoacan's coast and is a very rare record. Given the elevation, habitat and diet of the bird, it shouldn't be here in the central volcanic area.

We were making our way up the mountain from Erongaricuaro to Zarzamora when we spotted a soaring dark raptor with a white tail band. Luckily one of our photographers was able to snap some shots.
Many thanks to Mark Stackhouse of Westwings and Dr. Fernando Villasenor Gomez of the University of Michoacan in Morelia for confirming the identification of this bird. And many thanks to Michael Morrison for the photography.

Observers were Victor Hugo Valencia, Robert Whitlatch and Michael Morrison (both of Boise, ID) and yours truly.